Come and visit us at the Farmers Market on the Square in Columbia, KY every Saturday!

We would love to hear from you.


About Us

We believe in food as medicine and nutrition as the foundation of health and well-being. It is our goal to provide our surrounding communities with the same delicious and nutritious produce that we consume for ourselves. A healthy community is a caring community and one that is beneficial for all.

To provide the most nutrient dense food we can possibly grow, we first take heed to soil biology. We incorporate cover crops into our rotation to reduce erosion, increase fertility, and keep the biological activity cycling in the soil.

Ask Us

We are open about our growing practices and welcome any and all questions you may have. We are not Certified Organic, however, we do not spray any herbicides or pesticides including organically approved materials. Soil health and biology is our greatest asset and we attempt to foster a welcoming environment for beneficial bacteria and fungi.